.. toctree:: :hidden: Overview ======== **Bismuth** is a KDE Plasma extension, that lets you tile your windows automatically and manage them via keyboard, just like in classical tiling window managers (i3, dwm or XMonad). Check out the *source* code at Bismuth's `Official Github `_ The *source* code for the Debian package files are located `Here `_ Installation ============ There are 2 ways that you can install Bismuth on Debian based distros. Volian Scar Repo ---------------- Install the Volian Scar repo and install kwin-bismuth .. code-block:: console echo "deb http://deb.volian.org/volian/ scar main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/volian-archive-scar-unstable.list > /dev/null wget -qO - https://deb.volian.org/volian/scar.key | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/volian-archive-scar-unstable.gpg > /dev/null sudo apt update && sudo apt install kwin-bismuth deb Package ------------ Download the `deb package `_ directly. Install the .deb you just downloaded using the command below: .. code-block:: console sudo dpkg -i kwin-bismuth_2.2.0-1_amd64.deb If it mentions that there are dependencies you don't have run the command below. Otherwise you're good to go! .. code-block:: console sudo apt install -f .. note:: There are many Debian based distros that this package may work on. It has only been officially tested on the ones below: 1. Debian stable/testing/sid 2. Ubuntu 21.04+ This will not work on Ubuntu 20.04 due to Plasma being just a little too old. Volian Projects =============== Maybe you have interest in some of our projects. 1. `Nala `_ - A wrapper for apt that improves the output and functionality 2. `pyshell `_ - A Linux subprocess module for python Other software in the Volian Repo 1. **picom-git** - Picom built straight from the upstream git repository for the latest features 2. **i3-gaps** - If you don't know i3-gaps you should! It's a tiling window manager designed for advanced users 3. **selinux-policy** - An updated policy for selinux that fixes the firewalld issues. There are a lot of issues still to fix